The Kansas Emergency Rental Assistance 2.4 Logo


This program is now closed.

funds are available after processing our current applications WE WILL reopen this for more applications.

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Having Trouble Paying Your Rent or Utilities? We’re Here to Help.

The Kansas Emergency Rental Assistance 2.4 (KERA 2.4) program helps renters get the assistance they need to avoid eviction or utility shutoff. KERA 2.4 is administered by Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC ).

This project is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number ERA0032 awarded to Kansas Housing Resources Corporation by the U.S. Department of The Treasury.

Am I Eligible?

You may qualify if you can answer yes to the following questions.

  • Do you currently reside in a rental unit located in Kansas?
  • If aid is to be used to pay delinquent rent or utility bills, is your first month of delinquency on or after April 1, 2020?
  • Do you have a hardship directly or indirectly caused the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Does your household’s 2020 annual income fall below 80% of the area median income for the county where your housing unit is located? Access a list of income limits by county here.

How Much Assistance is Available?

Every household's situation is different, so the amount of assistance you may receive will be specific to your needs.

Please have all your information and documents ready to ensure faster processing of your application. An application will not begin the review process until all information has been received.

If you are requesting rental assistance, make sure the amount you request will be accepted by your landlord. If they challenge the amount, it can delay the processing of your application.

How Can the Kansas Emergency Rental Assistance 2.4 Program Help Me?

Depending on your circumstances, KERA 2.4 assistance may:

  • Residential rent and rental arrears from April 1, 2020 to current, up to 12 months.
  • Up to three months of prospective rent at a time.
  • Past due residential utility and home energy (electric, gas, water, sewer, and trash service) and internet costs incurred since April 1, 2020.

How Do I Apply?

Tenants and Landlords can apply by clicking the appropriate link above, answering the required questions, and supplying the requested documentation.

What Happens Next?

If you qualify for assistance, KHRC will request approval from your landlord or property manager. If they approve, payment will be made directly to your landlord or property manager and applied to your tenant account

Have questions or need help completing or submitting your KERA 2.4 application?

Our community partners are standing by to assist you. Use our search tool to find the partner serving your county and contact their team for support. Note that neither KHRC nor our partners charge fees for our services. Beware of calls or solicitations from companies offering to assist you in return for payment.

Kansas Housing Resources Corporation

KANSAS HOUSING RESOURCES CORPORATION provides assistance on a fair and equal basis regardless of race, color, religion, sex familial status, national origin, military status, disability or ancestry. Please visit HTTPS://WWW.KSHOUSINGCORP.ORG/ for more information.

What does it mean to be "ready to upload"?

  • Your documentation meets the date and content requirements;
  • You have your documentation available as a legible:
    • High resolution scan as a Jpeg, PNG, or PDF;
    • High resolution photo as a Jpeg or PNG;
    • Downloaded PDF from the original document provider
  • You have either an email address or a cell phone number capable of receiving texts (data and messaging rates from your provider apply);

It is important to check the legibility of your photos and/or scans otherwise it can delay your application. Not sure if your documents are legible? Click Here for an Example.

Have all your documents ready?

Click Here to Apply Documentation Checklist

Below is a sample cropping of the same document:

Sample of a legigible and illegible document.

Pinch to zoom in.


Documentation Checklist

Please make sure you have copies of all your required documents  ready for uploading or for faxing or mailing:

A copy of your signed lease identifying the unit where you reside and the rental payment amount.

Proof of identification: Unexpired Photo ID, State issued Photo ID, a court filing notice, or mail from a federal, state, county, or city agency with the address of your rental unit.

Do you have all your documents ready?

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